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How nice of you to visit my website. Here is a little information about my work. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me using the contact form.
My work embodies an ongoing search for connection and dialogue with nature, in a world where nature’s movement is often constrained. Amongst many, I draw inspiration from environmental philosopher Glenn Albrecht (2011), who envisions a new era following the Anthropocene, in which humans, nature, and technology coexist in harmony: the Symbiocene. In this era, the focus will be on relationships and interconnectedness between all living beings.
Over the past three years, I have worked in collaboration with the wind - an elusive, timeless element that moves freely across the landscape. Using a specially designed instrument, I allow the wind to create drawings. After reviewing the drawings, I incorporate the unique shapes that emerge into my paintings. I see this partnership with the wind as a metaphor for how we must learn to live in harmony with nature. This deep connection with the natural world is also reflected in my use of materials. I use homemade egg-tempera, natural pigments, and biodegradable materials, further enhancing the organic essence of my work.
Hello Hello
Rawnie Parsons-Lock
If you wish to purchase any work or collaborate on a project, please contact me.
If we could communicate
with nature. Would we treat it differently?
-Rawnie Parsons-Lock (2023)
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